No-Pain Deep Tissue Bodywork: The Youniversoul Alternative to Massage Therapy
Adele Works Painlessly to Relieve Head, Neck, Shoulder, and Jaw Pain, Stress, & Tension
Are you diagnosed with any of the following:
Frequent Sinus Issues
Other Head, Neck, Jaw, or Shoulder problems?
Are you having trouble moving your neck or head?
Are you suffering from chronic headaches, eye soreness, or jaw tension?
Is someone or something in your life a "pain in the neck"?
Physical pain in your head, neck, and jaw affects many aspects of your life:
When your neck is stiff and painful, it's hard to "stick your neck out" and "look around" to see the
unlimited possibilities of life.
When your eyes hurt or your head is full of pain and tension, it's hard to receive and process new information.
When your jaw is clenched tight, you can't "chew" on new ideas, or "speak out" for yourself clearly.
Don't let your life be defined by head, neck, or jaw pain.
Using gentle touch and slow, guided movement, Youniversoul's No Pain Deep Tissue Bodywork can help you
Relief from pain, stiffness, and tension
Increased range of motion and freedom of movement
Clearing and release of held emotions and energy.
Pain Free Treatment Gives Pain Free Results
Unlike traditional deep-tissue massage, I do not apply force, pressure, or sudden movement to the areas of discomfort.
Instead, I listen and follow how your body wants to move toward maximum comfort. Where there is resistance,
I wait; where there is comfort and ease, I continue.
As we continue, your neck and head experience spontaneous release of muscle contraction, held energy, and embedded emotions.
(For instance, jaw issues are commonly believed to be associated with unexpressed anger or resentment.) In
turn, you can have freedom from pain, and a deep experience of nurture and well-being.
In completion, I guide you through several minutes of sitting, standing, and walking -- integrating and anchoring the
changes that have happened in the session. We then discuss ways in which you can continue this process at home, and decide together
when we will next meet.
For other information on the Youniversoul approach to physical pain, see also the "Injury Rehab"
and "Accident, Injury, Surgery Recovery" webpages within this site.
Legal Disclaimer
These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition, and are not
intended to replace a previously prescribed or recommended allopathic, homeopathic, naturopathic,
mental health, or other treatment plan.
If you are currently under another practitioner's care, it is always a good idea to take care of
and honor yourself by consulting with her/him before making any changes to your treatment plan.
Thank you.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please phone or email
me at the contact information below. I look forward to meeting you.
Adele Cox, MA, CMT
Somatic Personal Life Coaching &
"No-Pain Deep-Tissue" Bodywork
Youniversoul Health & Wellness
2305 Ashby Ave (@Telegraph), Berkeley 94705
33 Quail Court, Suite 200, Walnut Creek 94596