Somatic (Body Oriented) Personal Life Coaching: The Youniversoul Alternative
to Conventional Life Coaching
Most of us have heard stories about "mid-life crises" -- the ill-fated point between 30 and 60 fraught with divorce, impulsive
spending, and even the onset of health changes such as depression or heart attack.
I've often wondered if the root of these challenges is a "crisis of identity" -- a time in which the mid-life person suddenly
asks herself the ultimate question:
"Who Am I?"
Discover the Real You
There is not one answer to this important question. Human beings are multi-layered, multi-dimensional, inter-relational
systems. Consequently, discovering the answers to this question is a multi-dimensional process.
Who am I to myself? What's my identity?
Who am I in relationship?
What do I believe in? What beliefs did I create, and which did I simply inherit?
What are my values? How do they show up in my life?
Does my life have meaning? Do I matter?
What holds me back from living on purpose?
Lasting change in personal growth is a "self identification" process. Deep level change includes
and results in you seeing yourself in a new way.
Most of us went to college, got a job, found a life partner, raised children, tended to aging parents. Our identity
has been defined by what we do or did:
"I'm a banker" (self-identity by job)
"I'm a parent" (self-identity by role)
"I'm a student" (self-identity by societal position)
But, now, at midlife, many of us are -- suddenly and for the first time -- realizing our internal identity is unclear.
We are now taking the time to reflect on the past and remaining years, and ask:
What am I working for? What motivates me? Why do I choose to stay in this job?
How do I want to spend my free time? my retirement? my life?
What is my life really about?
What are my fears? What are my dreams?
And most importantly:
Is this all there is?
Self-Judgment and Will Power Are Not the Path to Transformation
Traditional Life Coaching provides strategies and plans for behavior change, and teaches that permanent
change results from repetition of new behaviors.
But perhaps you've found that lasting change rarely comes through will power alone. The
conscious, logical mind may want change, but most often parts of the Self out of conscious
awareness are fearful, resistant, and in command of our habitual reactions.
As long as fear and resistance remain out of conscious awareness, lasting change and core transformation
cannot be attained. Lasting behavior change is an outcome of soul transformation, rather than the
path to it.
Every part of the Self, even the deep, fearful and resistant aspects, are trying to fulfill a purpose.
Usually that purpose is to keep you safe from hurt, harm, failure, judgment, and other perceived dangers.
Bringing conscious awareness to these deep aspects of the Self empowers you to respect, understand, and
attune to their purpose, and use them as the path to your real transformation.
With conscious awareness of these deep parts of yourself, you can create tools and strategies to address
the resistance and the purpose it is trying to serve. Rather than simply acting out new behaviors, your
strategies become tools to help you successfully create a new relationship with your Self.
For example, say you're unhappy in your job. One approach is to leave it. But what if you could experience satisfaction and keep
your job. Through transformational change, from the inside out, your external situation no longer defines
your happiness.
The Youniversoul Approach: Somatic Personal Life Coaching
I use my Counseling Psychology background to help you discover aspects of your Self that are fearful
and resistant to change. In addition, my Bodywork expertise lets me include your Somatic (whole
body) System in the coaching process. My work lets you "anchor" your mental insights and discoveries
into your physical, energetic, and emotional body.
The Youniversoul approach to Personal Life Coaching seamlessly blends emotional healing, somatic (body)
awareness/education, and personal growth strategies. Hands-on bodywork on the massage table is used to
supplement the Coaching process, but it may be omitted if appropriate for the session.
Legal Disclaimer
These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition, and are not
intended to replace a previously prescribed or recommended allopathic, homeopathic, naturopathic,
mental health, or other treatment plan.
If you are currently under another practitioner's care, it is always a good idea to take care of
and honor yourself by consulting with her/him before making any changes to your treatment plan.
Thank you.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please phone or email
me at the contact information below. I look forward to meeting you.
Adele Cox, MA, CMT
Somatic Personal Life Coaching &
Depth-Oriented Transformational Bodywork
Youniversoul Health & Wellness
2305 Ashby Ave (@ Telegraph), Berkeley 94705